AntiOxidant OLE vs MicroCirculation Microscope Test
Microcirculation Microscope Test Begin Now!
Understanding more on
- Capillary’s shape
- Blood Flow Pattern and
- Capillary’s Morphology.
(1) Capillary’s shape :
Short capillary – Improper peripheral blood supply, related to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, ischemic disease, diabetes etc
Thin Capillary – Inadequate peripheral blood supply, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, ischemic disease, diabetes mellitus etc.
Tense-based capillary – Vasospasm, poor blood regurgitation in vein, often is found in hypertension, atherosclerosis, headache etc.
Diastolic capillary – Fatigue, abnormal regulation of autonomic nervous system, high blood viscosity, hyperlipidemia etc.
Congestion-based capillary – Lupus erythematosus, Raynaud’s phenomenon, systemic sclerosis, Pulmonary heart disease etc.
Prolifeative-based capillary – Chronic ischemic disease, cancer etc.
Malformed capillary – Cardio and cerebrovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, connective tissue disease etc.
Expansive venous plexus-based capillary – Senile pulmonary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis etc.
(2) Blood Flow Pattern :
The condition of erthrocyte aggregation is more severe when the grade becomes higher. In addition of white microthrombus, blood flow is gradually reduced. All of these conditions indicate increased blood viscosity and easier to get angina, antherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, diabetes millitus etc.
Erythrocytes and White microthrombi:
Erythrocytes mild aggregation : Blood flow is sludging and not smoothly.
Erythrocytes moderate aggregation : The mass of erythrocytes become larger and tighter.
Erythrocytes severe aggregation : Ten and above erthrocytes aggregate into big mass, blood cells and plasma separate.
White microthrombi : Platelet aggregation or stick with white blood cells to form a mass.
(3) Capillary’s Morphology :
Hemorrhage : The structure and function of capillary wall become impaired.
Corrugated, Slightly corrugated, Flat : The normal shape of papillary is corrugated. Slightly corrugated or flat papillary indicates poor blood vessel dynamics and microcirculation.
Sweat gland duct : When autonomic nervous system is imbalance, the sweat gland ducts become visible and sweating increase.
Understand your body Circulatory System, Sign Up for MicroCirculation Microscope Test Now!
What is Circulatory System
Circulatory system is also named cardiovascular system; this includes heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood cells and plasma. Thus, damage on any part of cardiovascular system would cause harmful consequences, such as dizziness, migraine, breathing difficulties, tiredness and body weakness. Severe consequences would be stroke, hypertension, heart attack, myocardial infarction and etc. Therefore, prevention is the only effective way to avoid these problems and the importance of prevention should be prioritized.
Heart is an organ which plays a critical role in blood circulation. Arteries and veins are responsible for transporting blood to the entire body and transporting back to the heart. Capillaries are permeable tiny blood vessels between small arteries and veins, which are sites for nutrients and gas exchange. Therefore, if there is blockage of blood vessels, nutrients and gas cannot be transported to the entire body and back to the heart. This will accelerate the occurrence of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
Human Body Health Balance
Human body is the best and prefect creature of all. Our human circulatory system is primarily made up of myocardial cell and smooth muscle cell as a basic unit. Both of these cells are then form various tissues, heart and blood vessels and finally a complete circulatory system. Thus, tissues, organs and system are interconnected to one another, and are under the unified coordination to undergo daily activities. Hence, damage of one of them will lead to damage to the others.
In addition, human body is a carrier of electric charge. A German professor, Professor Beller stated that: Daily life activities are carried out by electron transfer. In other words, a human life will come to an end when there is no longer electron transfer happening in human body. A series of electron transfer occurs during cell metabolism so that daily activities can be carried out. Electron supply and consumption must be balance. If electron consumption is more than its supply, human body tends to age fast and fall sick. Free radicals are unstable atoms, molecules or particles with unpaired electron yield during body metabolism. Therefore, free radical reduction is an important issue to make cell healthy.