
Nimble Plus I

Arthritis Back Pain Knee Pain Eczema Business


Arthritis is not a disease just because of degenerative cartilage. In fact, it will affect other system such as muscular, nervous and skeletal system. We need to regulate and restore all these systems in order to get rid of arthritis problem and towards optimal health.

Arthritis Back Pain Knee Pain Eczema BusinessArthritis Back Pain Knee Pain Eczema Business


The development of Nimble Plus (NP) is based on the above principle. Therefore, NP helps to prevent osteoarthritis (OA), a form of degenerative joints disease as well as osteoporosis. NP provides the best, fastest and most complete regulation and protection.

Arthritis Back Pain Knee Pain Eczema Business  Arthritis Knee Pain Back Pain Business Plan


Nimble Plus lubricate and protect our joints. Nimble Plus also protect and regulate four main systems such as skeletal system, the joint system, muscular systems as well as nervous system to achieve optimal joint health.

Arthritis Back Pain Knee Pain Eczema Business



NPI(Nimble Plus I )is a natural nutritional and joint care supplement developed by Dr. Wang Kai-Hua. It is composed of natural Mucopolysaccharide and trace elements for joint protection with US patents of Type II Collagen. You can enjoy consumingNPI whenever and wherever you are. NPIcontains patented BioCell Collagen II from BioCell Technology LLC, California USA and has been awarded 3 U.S. patents: Process, Formulation, and Manufacturing. US Patents No.6025327; 6323319; 6780841.

 Arthritis Knee Pain Back Pain Business Plan


Substance Serving per container: 15 sachets
Ingredients Maltodextrin, Crab shell extract, Collagen and trace elements include calcium, magnesium, silicon, zinc, etc as well as exclusive and effective delivery system
Applicable For Adult


1. Consume 1 sachet at one time and 1-3 times a day. Mix with 150cc of cold water (below 40℃); consume with empty stomach.

2. NIMBEL PLUS I can consume together with CAM or ma-CAM.


1.This product contains animal collagen, vegetarian needs to consider before consuming the product.

2.Pregnant women and children below 6 years old are recommended to consume CAM or ma-CAM.

Arthritis Back Pain Knee Pain Eczema BusinessNimble Plus II Collagen

Scientifically Proven By Professor Wang Kai Hua Health Supplements CaM + NPI + NPII + OLE help 
Arthritis, Knee Pain, Lower Back Pain, Cervical Spondylosis, Eczema, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and more. Contact Us For An Appointment with Our Nutritionist.

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