
Healing Effects After Consuming CaM


Reaction Reason Ways To Manage
Thirst and Feeling Heaty Increase metabolism rate and cause water loss, leading to more fluid demands. Consume ample amount of water.
Aches and pains; especially joints Your body is renewing and strengthening the specific areas in your body. Continue consuming CaM.
Restlessness/ Energized, Insomnia, Loss of appetite Your body is metabolizing its’ additional energy and fats reserve. Its’ effect will disappear after a few days.
Constipation Inadequate fluid in the body Consume more fruits, vegetables and ample amount of water.
Weight Gain Your body regains the natural state in absorbing nutrients.

  1. Skinny individuals

CaM is regulating your muscles and fat compositions in your body.

  1. Overweight individuals

Temporary water retention in body.

Continue to consume CaM and maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Drink plenty of water aids in toxin elimination.
Weight Loss Eradication of excess fluid retention, toxins or increased in metabolism and functions of the organs. Continue to consume CaM and may accompany with MILS to enhance its’ weight reduction properties.
No Reaction Either your body is already in good state or changes are not apparent. Try to do some exercises. You may find out that your immunity system is enhanced.
Rashes, hives, acne outbreak Eradication of toxins, adjustment of balance in body hormones or increase in function of immune system. Continue consuming CaM and ample amount of water. Your body will gradually eradicate toxins and restore its natural balance.
Internal aches/pain Body is renewing or restoring the natural state of your affected areas. Continue consuming CaM and ample amount of Water.
Dark/Sticky/Smelly Stool Eradication of excess toxins from the body Consume ample amount of water (up to 2000ml)
Irregular Menstrual volume or period Hormonal adjustment within the body Continue consuming CaM and ample amount of Water. Take sufficient rest and reduce intake of ice/cold products.




After consumption of CaM , your body may begin to regulate and adjust itself to its natural and balance state. It may present some healing effects stated above. Upon taking CaM, your body will initiate eradication of toxins and also enhancing its’ self-renewal process. Therefore, these healing effects may lead to some temporary discomforts such as aches, dizziness, bloatedness, and increase in heartbeat, rashes, easily irritable, vulnerable to sickness and even skin sensitivity.

This is the body’s natural reaction to eradicate and reinstate its natural balance.

Therefore you have to consume ample amount of water (approximately > 3000ml) to provide a desired amount of fluid for your body to carry out this change.

If you have any current medical conditions relating to the organs stated on the table below, the following healing effects may apply to you after consuming CaM.


Condition Healing Effects
Liver disease, hepatitis B Nausea, hives, tiredness, weakened limbs, fatigue, bloatedness
Acidic body Fatigue, feel like sleeping in the day, thirsty, frequent urination
Gout, rheumatism Aches and pains, heatiness, cloudy white urine,  decreased energy, joint inflammation
Heart Increased heartbeat, chest heaviness, breathing difficulties, tingling sensation over chest
Hypertension Dizziness, light headedness
Diabetes Temporary blood glucose level rise, increase in urination,  slightly water retention in hands and legs
Women related diseases, Menstrual pain Increase/decrease/ irregular menses, early period, tenderness, dizziness
Intestinal diseases Heatiness, constipation, loss of appetite, queasiness, bloating, abdominal cramps, increased in bowel activities
Constipation, HemorrhoideHeh Blood may be seen in stool
Neurosis Dizziness, light headedness,unable to sleep at night
Kidney diseases Drop in protein levels, water retention over the body, decrease in urine, foamy urine, back aches
Lung diseases Cough, increase in mucus secretion, cloudy yellow mucus
Sensitive nose/ sinusitis Increase frequency in sneeze, headaches and stuffy nose
Arteriosclerosis (stroke) Fatigue and loss of strength; especially on the affected area, light headedness
Sensitive Skin Hives, thirst, fatigue, unpleasant smell  through secretions
Low blood pressure Fatigue, thirst, frequent urination
Low Immunity Tend to feel  sleepy, fatigue


If you want to find out more on how to better manage these healing effects whilst maximizing the efficiency of taking CaM, please consult the nutritionist for more details.


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