
Knee Pain


Family members of diabetes patients and diabetes patients themselves are wandering the following: What is diabetes? What are diabetes diet, what diet for diabetes is good or what type of food for diabetes? Any cure for diabetes or how to cure diabetes?  …

使用者生理反应, 详细资料

使用者生理反应, 详细资料(一) Healing Effects After Consuming CaM In Mandarin 当你开始用CaM, 身体就会提高其活动能量。它可能会开始改善(恢复) 身体上的弱点。在全科医学上:当身体开始从旧疾中痊愈时称作(治疗危机)或(瞑眩反应)。因为身体本身会驱除储存在脂肪组织及器官系统里的毒素。在排毒的过程中可能会造成暂时性不舒服的情形,如酸痛,头晕,皮肤过敏,心跳加速,轻微焦虑或过滤性病毒的发作。 这是身体开始自修过程的迹象,此时你需要大量的水分,平衡每天需要六大杯(3000ml)以上的水,来协助体内毒素的排出。 症状 暝眩反应现象 肝病,B型肝炎 想呕吐,皮肤瘙痒,出疹现象,会有欲睡感,全身倦怠,四肢无力,会吐气 酸性体质 很困,白天想睡觉、口干、频尿 尿酸、痛风、风湿关节炎 酸痛复发、关节肿胀、痛、热、小便有乳白色、无力感 心脏病 心跳加速、胸闷、呼吸困难、轻微刺痛 高血压 轻微头晕、头重 糖尿病 血糖短暂升高、手脚轻微浮肿、尿量增加 妇女疾病、经病、月内风 经期提早或延迟、分泌物增多、经量改变(少或多)、初期会乱、偶有微痛、头晕、全身性无力感 肠胃病患者 下痢、呕吐、厌食、溃痒部份会疼痛、闷感、发热 便秘、内外痔 有时会出血、便带血丝 神经耗弱(官能症) 头痛头重、夜不成眠、反而出现兴奋现象 肾臟病 蛋白质下降、脸、手脚浮肿、少尿频尿、尿起泡、腹部酸痛 血涿 倦怠、口干、皮肤湿疹、无力感 肺病…

High Blood Pressure

Stages Of Atherosclerosis OLE can improve condition of arteries hardening and prevent blood clot formation.   Oxygen Nourishment Vitality Energizer: A Promising Improve Condition for High Blood Pressure   Through the years, people who are suffering from high blood pressure…


An Overview of Arthritis Scroll down for : hand osteoarthritis osteoarthritis osteoarthritis of spine osteoarthritis of the knee rheumatoid arthritis sciatica     Those who are affected by arthritis fully understand the pain and discomfort that one has to go…


 Understanding the Chronic Pain from individual  Human Spine.     C1 (Atlas) – 1st Cervical Vertebra Headache , Insomnia, Ache, Poor memory, High blood pressure C2 ( Axis ) – 2nd Cervical Vertebra Sinusitis, Deafness, Short Sighted or Long Sighted…


Many people are asking, ” Can Eczema Cure ? “,  “Eczema Issue Is Increasing”, ” How To Improve Eczema Treatment?” or ” How to Treat Eczema ?” Around the world millions of people are affected by an annoying skin condition…